Well, it had finally arrived - my first race! A 5km Race for Life. This was the reason I started running 10 weeks ago - with the goal to run the whole way.
I've never been a runner, so this has all been very new for me. I followed the Couch to 5k programme, each week utterly surprised that I was able to run as far as it said, and like most people disbelieving that I'd ever get to running for 30 minutes!
Over the last couple of weeks I've been able to run the whole 5km distance, its take me 38.5 - 40 minutes each time, so I was really hoping for a sub 40minute race today, I was also hoping to be able to run the whole way - as I had in training.
Arriving at the event, I couldn't believe how many people were there - or how much pink there was! I had been um-ing and ah-ing over whether to go to the 'joggers' or 'runners' section to start. This was decided for me as the only options were 'runners' or 'walkers' - so off I went to the runners flag!
Its so crowded at the start - it took us a few minutes to even cross the start line (I used my phone to time myself though as I wanted an accurate time!). There was much jostling for the first km or so - it was too crowded to get into my rhythm and I felt myself getting tired quicker than usual. This was confirmed when I passed the 2km sign in 12:30 - I was going to quickly (I was aiming for 7:30 - 8minute kms). I had to stop and walk a few times (annoyingly) but managed to get into my pace around halfway.
I passed the 4km sign and then saw a huge hill (going up unfortunately!). I dug deep and ran quickly up it (my thery being it would be better than going slowly as it would take longer). Shouldn't have done that! With only a few hundred metres to go I checked my phone - if I ran quickly I could see I get a good time (good for me anyway!), so I ran (a bit too quickly) to the end and crossed the finish line in 35:00:01!
So I managed to do it in under 40 mins :) but not to run the whole way :( At least I have a benchmark now for next time.
It was a good run, for a brilliant cause. Bring on the next race! :D
how I overcame autoimmune struggles
4 days ago